Will you write more Elementae books?

Short answer: maybe, but not any time soon.

Longer: Currently I don’t have a contract for more books; this was planned as a four book series, so I would like to finish it someday, but if I’m being honest, sales for the first two books didn’t merit two more. Maybe someday I’ll write them anyway, but right now, I’m focusing on other projects.

I have a writing advice question! Can I ask you?

Always! Instagram or twitter are the best places to ask writing questions and I tend to answer faster there. Emailing me is not a great idea.

Will you write more Scarlet books?

Maybe? I love that world, but the stories I planned to tell are complete at the moment.

Can you come to a bookstore in my town?

When I have information on tours or appearances, I always post it on social media first. Follow me there to be the first to know!

Do you write full time?

LOL no. I have a full time job, currently with Girl Scouts of Eastern MA working with our adult volunteers. It’s pretty awesome, and Girl Scouts is a truly fantastic organization.

Can you read my book/paper/writing?

Right now I make some time to blurb other books that are in stages of publication when I can; if you’re interested in a blurb, I will try my best! I will sometimes look at unpublished work through workshops or teaching opportunities; I do not typically review unsolicited materials.